We deal with landscape contractors every day, we know who is who in the market, what their strengths and weaknesses are. QS’s and project managers understandably put most of the efforts into the big ticket items, and often their knowledge and understanding of landscape in somewhat lacking. We can fill that gap, assessing tender returns, digging into what has been priced and why, answering tender queries and making sure that when you award a tender to a landscape contractor you get exactly what you want and need.
I was an early adopter of VR technology and quickly recognised its potential as a tool. I have found it to be an invaluable way of getting ideas across. Not everyone is able to interpret two dimensional plans, and static images can only go so far in explaining a space, but put on a VR headset and putting someone into a truly immersive space and they’re left in no doubt. Using the latest technology we can quickly turn computer models into either static VR spaces or fully interactive VR models. There can be no better way of demonstrating to a client the value of your design than letting them walk through it before a brick have even been laid.
Drafting in CAD is a skill, but I’d be the first to admit that it isn’t the most exciting activity. If you want to save your time for more profitable endeavours, I would be more than happy to undertake this work for you. Using the latest versions of Autocad, CAD drafting will be fast, clean and efficient and can be to whatever international standard (or your own) you require.
Landscape has lagged behind engineering and architecture in the adoption of BIM, and whilst landscape isn’t handled particularly well in most of the software packages, the requirement to model the landscape cannot be avoided. Having taught myself to use the software (Revit) in real world examples, I am now proficient to a level where the benefits that BIM brings can truly be harnessed. In terms of collaboration and working in a common model environment, I have closed the gap and there is no need for the landscape to be excluded.
3D modeling software and visualisation has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years, coupled with advances in computer hardware we are now able to produce professional looking renders on our desktop PC in a fraction of the time. This increased speed and efficiency also means we can amend, adjust, tweak and fiddle to our hearts content, to get the images looking just right.
Let’s face it 3D rendering companies vary enormously, but the one universal constant it that they fall down when it comes to visualising the landscape. They often use plants that are not contextually relevant and misinterpret the landscape design intent. We can help you to help them. After all these renders don’t come cheap, so they should get it right.