Drawing montage for Sales Gallery at Residential Site in Singapore (Workdone at - ICN Design)

Turning an idea into reality can be a very simple exercise, but more often than not it is an extremely complex one. A fully realised landscape design is the sum of many different parts, and beneath the visible parts are many layers of elements that all need to work to make it happen. Setting out on the ‘Design Development Journey’ can seem daunting at first, but starting with the first principles of landscape construction, we gradually add more information and increasing levels of detail until we arrive at a fully coordinated package. A package that we can be confident can move onto the next phase and be constructed in ‘The Real World’ and will be faithful to the landscape  concept

During this stage collaboration is key, we work closely with architects, structural engineers, and other to ensure all the pieces of the puzzle fit together to create the whole. CAD drawings and more recently BIM models are useful tools to during this stage, allowing constant checking and adjusting of each part to make sure it fits. Experience tells us that the ‘Design’ part of design development will mean things will change, new information and ideas will come to light that will need to be reflected. Whilst and encyclopedic knowledge of landscape details, can help, this stage is more about testing, adapting, and adding information.