Overseeing the installation of trees to a sky terrace at The Interlace (Whilst at ICN Design)
Installing large trees into basement garden at The Interlace (Whilst at ICN Design)

I love being on site! Perhaps its the small boy in me, but the mud and machines, spark my excitement. Boyish excitement aside, there are very good reasons as a designer we must put the time in aside to visit our projects as they are being constructed; 

Quality – we need to check the quality of what is being built, the workmanship, the materials. Ensure our drawings, details and specifications are being followed and interpreted correctly

Design Changes / problem solving – with the best will in the world and the most meticulous planning things will crop up that were not predicted. Being there on site to see the issues first hand is this most efficient. Nothing beats being there is person, witnessing the issues first hand talking through problems with the people best able to fix them. 

Learning – In my years of experience I have learnt so much from being on site. Being cooped up in an office tied to a computer screen, we can lose sight of what we do and  what is important. Once you’ve seen how projects are built, you realise there is no point stressing that your CAD drawing is not millimeter perfect. Having in the back of your mind, ‘how’ a detail will actually be built, really helps the design process and prevent you sending out work that simply don’t work.

Value – I can’t count the number of times, on-site decisions have led to significant cost saving for clients. Being there in person, talking to contractors and witnessing things first hand can often give you clarity that allows designs to be focused and refined to give maximum ‘bang-for-your buck’